HDSB PA Day Agendas
On Professional Activity (PA) days, staff engage in professional development. Our school, along with all schools in the Halton District School Board (HDSB) have several Professional Activity (PA) Days throughout the school year. The purpose of these days is to enhance student success. Staff focus on professional development activities, participate in training or planning sessions. There are no classes for students on these days.
To learn about what schools across the HDSB are focusing on during each PA Day, visit HDSB PA Days 2024-2025
PA Day Agendas
2024-2025 School Year
2024-2025 School Year
For a detailed description of what our school will be focusing on please see the following information.
Friday, Feb. 14, 2025 - SIPSA
Full-day in person
Focused on School Improvement and Professional Standards for Assessment, we will be providing an in-depth exploration of how these frameworks can enhance both teaching practices and student outcomes. We will discuss the core elements of SIPSA, emphasizing its role in setting clear performance standards, driving continuous improvement, and fostering a culture of data-driven decision-making. Teachers will be given strategies for using SIPSA to assess their own practices, identify areas for growth, and implement targeted interventions in the classroom.
Elementary programming will be led by teachers.
Learning/Delivery Method
Whole group learning
Monday, Jan. 27, 2025 - Assessent and Report Card Writing
Topic: Assessment and Report Card Writing Day
Elementary: In-person or remotely
Description: Elementary Teachers are given this day to write Term 1 Report Cards. Educational Assistants will be engaging in PD and Preparing materials for students.
Friday, Nov. 29, 2024 - Student Growth, Progress Reports & Effective Strategies and Practices
PA Day Overview - Student Growth and Progress Reports
Full-day, in-person or remotely
Elementary school teams will engage in Student/Parent/Guardian/Teacher conferences focused on Student Growth and Progress Reports.
Elementary programming will be led by teachers.
Learning/Delivery Method
Small group conferences with students and parents.
Friday, Oct. 11, 2024 - Provincial Education Priorities
Timing/Format: 9:25 am to 3:45 pm
To align with Ministry priorities, the October 11th PA Day will focus on learning to support the implementation of the 2023 revised Language curriculum, and High Impact Practices for the Teaching of Mathematics.
Note: Our French educators are attending the Core French Symposium on this day.
Kindergarten to Grade 8 staff will engage in professional learning focused on the implementation of the revised 2023 Language Grades 1-8 curriculum.
Kindergarten to Grade 2 staff will engage in learning related to using information from early reading screening to inform literacy instruction.
Grade 3 to 8 staff will participate in learning to support the use of diagnostic assessment data to inform responsive literacy instruction.
The learning will engage Kindergarten to Grade 8 staff in the collaborative analysis of student work, diving into student work samples from the suggested common task. This session will facilitate key monitoring strategies, reflections, and guiding questions to support the collaborative analysis process and considerations for intentionally planning responsive instruction based on student data.
Principal Gauthier, VP McAra
Junior Math Leads
Core Literacy Team Leads
Learning Materials:
Revised 2023 Language/Francais, Grades 1-8 Curriculum
Principles and requirements related to early reading screening as described in PPM 168
HDSB Math Achievement Action Plan
Acadience Screener
Tuesday, Sept. 3, 2024 - Provincial Education Priorities
Please be aware that we will be updating this content shortly.
The timing and format of the activities and the name of the entity hosting the activities
The names and titles of persons presenting or delivering the material
Learning Materials:
A description of the material to be covered
A description of the methods by which material is to be presented and the methods of learning that are to be engaged.
The titles of any resources that will be used as part of the activities and publication information in respect of those resources
Additional information: