Full Day Kindergarten (FDK)
If you have a child who is four years old by December 31, 2025, he or she is ready to register for Year 1 Kindergarten. All information for registration is found on the Halton District School Board website. Click here to review more important information about Full Day Kindergarten in HDSB. Visit the Falgarwood Kindergarten Orientation website for tips on preparing your child for the first day of school.

Kindergarten in Ontario establishes a strong foundation for learning in the early years for four and five-year-olds, provided in a safe and caring play-based environment that promotes the physical, social, emotional and cognitive development of all children.
All Halton District School Board schools offer the Full Day Every Day Kindergarten model. In this model, children attend school full day, five days a week. Classrooms are staffed by a teacher and an early childhood educator.